Shenzhen, China – August 18, 2020. MeSince Technology launched the official version of MeSince APP on December 14, 2018. MeSince APP is the first email client that realized the full-automatic S/MIME certificate email encryption in the world. It has been trusted and loved by users from 164 countries and regions around the world. According to the users’ improvement advices and suggestions in the past more than a year, MeSince Technology announced today:
The Chinese name of the company remains unchanged, but the English name is changed from “MeSince Technology Limited” to “MeSign Technology Limited”. The name of three companies registered in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom have been changed simultaneously.
The company’s new name and new service brand “MeSign” = "M-Sign" + “e-Sign”. It more closely and directly clarified that MeSign Technology mainly provides two services: “M-Sign” = Mail Signature, “e-Sign” = Document e-Signature. So “MeSign” = Mail Signature and Encryption service + Document e-Signature and Encryption service.
The company's official website has been launched with a new domain name and new designed website, the old website is , the new website is The new website fully demonstrates MeSign Technology's two major services, six major products and related solutions. The old domain name will point to the new website.
MeSign Technology provides users around the world with One APP: MeSign App, Two services: email encryption and digital signature services, document e-signature and encryption services, Six products: email encryption services, email digital signature services, email S/MIME certificate, Contract E-signature service, Document D-signature service, PDF signing certificate. There are free services and charged services, and users are welcome to choose them on demand.
MeSign Technology continues to provide users around the world with permanent free basic email encryption services and digital signature services, while providing users with charged services including the professional email digital signature services, publicly trusted S/MIME email certificate, Adobe global trusted PDF signing certificate, and global legally effective Contract E-signature service and Document D-signature service.
You are welcome to taste and enjoy a 20% off discount on all charged services. The discount period is one month: August 18, 2020 -- September 18, 2020. Please feel free to taste, we provide an unconditional money-back guarantee within 7 days.
MeSign Technology has been working hard for more than one year after the first official version of MeSince APP was released, striving to provide the best products and best services to our users around the world. The above four “New"s, which were solemnly released today, are looking forward to the recognitions and the enjoyment from users. MeSign Technology will continue to work hard as always, and will soon launch the Linux version and the Mac version of the MeSign App, to make the MeSign App the only innovative email client in the world providing fully automatic S/MIME email encryption with 5 popular OS versions, to meet the email encryption and document signature needs of different users around the world in one brand APP.