Szczecin, Poland – May 30, 2019.Mr. Richard Wang, the CEO of MeSince, was invited to attend the 19th European Forum on Electronic Signature and Trusted Services (EFPE 2019), which was held in Poland from May 29th to 30th, 2019, and he also delivered a speech at the conference --"eSigning Service for the Belt and Road".
Richard Wang introduced MeSign, an eSigning service, to CAs, TSPs, eSigning service providers and related products providers from European and Belt and Road countries. And he introduced how MeSign can provide free eSigning service to European and Belt and Road countries. This will not only save the cost and the time spent on paper-contracts, but also significantly accelerate the international cooperation process of the Belt and Road countries, speed up the investment flow and logistics, thereby promoting the development and the economic growth of the Belt and Road countries at a faster pace, and also promoting the transformation and rapid development of China's economy.
At this conference, MeSince proposed a perfect series of electronic signature service solutions to the Belt & Road countries’ CAs that MeSign service will open to the end users of the European and the Belt & Road CAs for FREE, to utilize the 400 million USB Key certificates issued by 48 Licensed CAs in China, in additions to the 8 million USB Key certificates issued by the Belt and Road countries CAs. The users whose identities have been validated by CAs can directly use their USB Keys to use the "MeSign" electronic signature service provided by MeSince for FREE, to do the online signing of Adobe global trusted and legal effect electronic contract for free. This is a free value-added service for all users of the Belt and Road countries CAs.
All users who have a USB Key certificate issued by the Belt and Road countries CAs can use MeSign service in four different ways:
(1)By using MeSign App, once you receive the email with contract file attachment, just need to right-click the "MeSign" button, then user can digitally sign the contract for free;
(2)Open the PDF file using MeSince Reader, click “MeSign” button to sign the document directly for free.
(3)Using MeSince eSigning System to sign the documents in batches automatically.
(4)Users can sign the documents by calling the E-sign API to achieve batch signing.
No matter which way that user used for eSigning their document digitally, MeSign platform only upload the hash value of the file to implement the digital signature on the cloud and implement signature synthesis at the client to protect users’ confidential information security and their business secrets on the documents. However, other eSigning service providers require users to upload the original documents to their signing platform on the cloud to do the document signing.
According to the report of “The Belt and Road Initiative Progress, Contributions and Prospects 2019” released by the official website of the Belt and Road, from 2013 to 2018 the value of trade between China and other B&R countries surpassed US$6 trillion, accounting for 27.4 percent of China's total trade in goods and growing faster than the country's overall foreign trade. In 2018 the value of trade in goods between China and other B&R countries reached US$1.3 trillion, growing by 16.4 percent year on year. Therefore, the future for eSigning service of the Belt and Road is bright!
In addition to introducing the free eSigning service for contract, two other free value-added services have also been introduced:
One is email signing and encrypting service, users can apply for a free MeSince identity authentication by using the USB Key certificate. Then they can obtain a V3 Identity Certificate and email encrypting certificate to send the digitally signed email with true identity, which can enhance the online trust and facilitate more online transactions.
Another free service is sending the e-Government information or notification in encryption to the citizens. The e-government system can send encrypted emails to citizens by obtaining the citizens’ public key certificates through MeSince API.
In this short 30-minute speech, Mr. Wang has introduced three eSigning services provided by MeSince for the users from the Belt and Road countries, and he has received warm responses and applause from all the participants on the conference. After the meeting, there were many European CAs said they would actively participate in the Belt and Road eSigning service project to promote the development of cross-border electronic signature service in the Belt and Road countries. In fact, MeSince has already reached the agreements with 12 Chinese CAs and Polish CAs before this conference. We welcome other Chinese CAs and Belt & Road countries CAs to join us for free, to make contributions to facilitate and speed up the economic development of the Belt & Road countries together.